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- CDToolbox - another oscillating Blender Software (BS) production
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Here are a load of freely distributable commands for CD drives controlled by
- cd.device. Anything that can run AmigaDOS commands (eg. Scala, ARexx program,
- or a script) can fully control the CD drive (although not through a serial or
- parallel link, unless you use something like DNet which allows you to execute
- commands on another computer).
- All the programs work on the CD32. They should also work on CD drives with
- some kind of CD32 emulator, if the emulator's programmed properly.
- Installing
- ----------
- Just copy or drag all the commands from the C drawer in this archive to your
- C: drawer, or some other drawer you've got set aside for programs.
- Options
- -------
- Each command needs options given in the normal way (like the commands you
- find in the C: drawer such as Copy or Rename). All the options for each
- command are listed with each command a bit further down. If you're not sure
- about all this /FISH business then...
- - /A Means you've got to use this option.
- - /N Means the option expects a number.
- - /S Means the option is a switch. Type the option's name on its
- own to get it working or miss out the name to disable it.
- If there's no /N and there's no /S, it's a string.
- If you don't give any options (ie. you just type the command's name on its
- own) then the command does whatever the default says on the right hand side.
- Most of the commands have a CHECK option. If you give this, you'll get a one
- word description of what's happening at the moment. Also for script or ARexx
- freaks it returns WARN (return code 5) for DOUBLE, ON, OPEN, etc...
- Drive commands
- --------------
- Open or close the drive door. If you haven't got a motorised drive door, it
- doesn't do a lot.
- Spews out more info than anyone could possibly need. STATUS shows the drive
- status and TOC lists the contents of the CD. If you give CHECK instead, it
- tests if a CD is in the drive.
- - CDMotor CHECK/S,OFF/S,ON/S Default: OFF
- Change the drive motor. Normally you won't need to turn it on because as
- soon as a CD needs to be read it's turned on anyway. But it's quite good if
- the CD in the drive has a spinny pattern on it though. Er.
- - CDReset CHECK/S,OFF/S,ON/S Default: OFF
- Change the reset on eject option - that irritating thing where you take out
- a CD and the computer decides that you'd really like it to reset for you.
- Audio commands
- --------------
- Change speed for playing music. Double speed is completely useless in every
- way (unless you're into Autechre or LFO or something).
- Pause or unpause any music playing with CDPlay. If CDPlay isn't running it
- doesn't do much. The TOGGLE option will make it switch to the other pause
- state.
- Play all or part of a track or CD.
- If you don't give a track to play, it goes for the start of the CD. If the
- track number you give or the start of the CD happens to be a CD-ROM track
- then it'll stop with an error.
- If you give an offset then it'll start playing from that offset into the
- track (or the start of the CD if you didn't give a track number). It's in
- the form minutes:seconds:frames. A frame is 1/75th of a second, it ranges
- from 0 to 74.
- If you don't give a length, the whole track is played (or the whole CD if
- you didn't give a track number). The length is given in the same way as the
- offset. The length can go over track boundaries with no problems (unless it
- runs into a CD-ROM track).
- CDInfo will probably help a lot when it comes to working out lengths and
- offsets.
- If you give the PAUSED switch, CDPlay will go to the start of the section
- to play but then it'll go straight into pause and wait for the CDPause
- command. This can be useful in presentations where you want any audio to
- immediately happen on some action or in time with a visual effect. You can
- set it up a couple of seconds before then unpause when the action happens,
- so there's no annoying seek times. You could even copy CDPause to RAM: for
- the most speed possible. If the action never gets round to happening, just
- use CDStop. You don't even need to do that if your program doesn't need to
- load files off CD (playing music, even when paused, stops files from being
- read in until the music finishes), look down a couple of paragraphs about
- running CDPlay twice.
- The Archos Overdrive CD with V9 of the software or below can't use this
- option because of buggy CD32 emulation. Versions 10 and up may be able to,
- but I haven't been able to check. If it can't and you need it, please yell
- at Archos.
- CDPlay will only return when the play has finished. If you're calling this
- from another program (eg. Scala), or even a shell, you'll probably want to
- run it in the background. You can do this by sticking a 'Run <>NIL:' before
- 'CDPlay <whatever>'.
- If you manage to run CDPlay twice in the background to play two tracks at
- once, the first one will stop and give way to the second.
- A few examples are probably in order...
- - CDPlay
- Play the entire CD.
- - CDPlay 4
- Play track 4.
- - CDPlay 3 2:50:37
- Play track 3, starting from 2 minutes 50 and half a seconds into the
- track.
- - CDPlay 5 LENGTH 1:12:0
- Play the first 1 minute 12 seconds of track 5.
- - CDPlay LENGTH 1:12:0
- Play the first 1 minutes 12 seconds of the CD.
- - CDPlay 8 3:12:0 0:4:0 PAUSED
- Play track 8, starting 3 minutes 12 into the track and lasting for 4
- seconds, but wait for CDPause before starting.
- If you give the CHECK switch, it'll check if another CDPlay is playing a CD
- at the moment. This won't check if any other players, for example DCPlayer
- (plug), is playing a CD.
- - CDStop
- Stop any music playing with CDPlay. If CDPlay isn't running it doesn't do
- much.
- Change the volume level for playing music. The volume ranges from 0 to
- 32767. OFF can be used instead of 0, and ON can be used instead of 32767.
- If you give the FRAMES option, the volume will fade up or down gradually to
- the new volume in the time you give. A frame is 1/75th of a second, so 75
- will alter the volume gradually over 1 second.
- Some CD drives don't support volume changing. Others may only have OFF and
- ON (like the CD32). Others may be limited to say 4 volumes. In that case,
- the 4 volumes are stretched out to 32768 volumes, so 0 to 8191 is volume
- level 1, 8192 to 16383 is volume level 2, and so on...
- CD-ROM commands
- ---------------
- Read sectors off the CD into a file. The offset is in sectors (you can use
- the CDInfo command here) and the length is in bytes (but it will always be
- rounded up to an even number).
- This won't read music tracks because either cd.device doesn't allow music
- to be read or the drive itself won't transfer music across to memory, not
- sure which.
- - CDSize CHECK/S,SIZE/N Default: 2048
- Change the sector size for reading CD-ROMs. There's 2048 (the default) or
- 2328 (which isn't). If you set it to one option, the other size CDs can't
- be read. Probably only useful for reading weird CDs from other computers.
- Change the speed mode - with this you can read in data at 300K/s instead of
- the usual 150K/s. It can be a bit unreliable though.
- Boring wibble
- -------------
- All the programs are copyrighted by me, but they're all freely distributible.
- They shouldn't be altered in any way and you should only charge for disks,
- postage, or packing if you charge anything for copying. Copy the complete
- archive if you pass this onto a BBS or PD library or something.
- All the programs work fine for me, but if your CD drive blows up or something
- then then I can't be held responsible for the mess - use at your own risk and
- all that. It's free, after all.
- And finally none of the programs or can be used as part of anything that's
- sold for profit without my say so, unless it's a presentation, feel free to
- use it for them. That includes those nasty capitalistic glossy magazines
- with disks and CDs on the front filled full of everyone else's work.
- My Email address is dan@blender.demon.co.uk, if you find a bug or something.
- Dan.